Promising an hilarious line-up of seasoned comedians, our first comedy night will be held on April 18th, guided by the affable MC Jon Wagstaffe, a "simple country lad from Tewkesbury" who will set the stage for an unforgettable night.
Opening the show is none other than Nick Page, a Britain's Got Talent Finalist and English comedian of the year. Nick, a "former disgraced Daytime TV presenter", weaves tales that defy convention, offering a comedic experiencefree of gimmicks, PowerPoint, or props—just pure storytelling mastery that will have you doubled over with belly laughs. To close the night, brace yourself for the unique charm of Ignacio Lopez. With a fusion of Welsh and Spanish influences, Ignacio is a frequent headliner and MC in renowned comedy clubs, and his offbeat humor has gained nearly 40 million views across all social media channels.
Join us for an evening where laughter knows no bounds.