Why is Cann Woods Segway Devon different?
Cann Woods Segway Plymouth have a tour to suit everybody from beginners to experts with over 10 years experience, This site is the very best segway tour in the area, years in the planning to give the most awesome experience possible based on customer feedback & Rated number one in the area on trip advisor.
A Percentage of the money goes back into the forest for everybody to enjoy.
Where is Cann Woods Segway located?
Cann woods Segway Plymouth Devon is located in the Forestry England site Cann Woods just 5 minutes off the A38 on the edge of Dartmoor, because of its rural location, it is perfect for social distancing in these difficult times for all businesses. The closest major city to Cann Woods Segway is Plymouth, it seems quite Rural but it's easy to get to.
Details on what activities are available at Cann Woods Segway?
Cann Woods Segway Plymouth Devon offers 3 tours
Standard tour £20pp.
This tour is for people who just want to try out the Segway to see if they like it, it includes mainly smooth surfaces fire roads in the forest 30mins
Adventure tour £27pp.
This route is perfect for first time Segway is who want more it includes a few hills to go up and down mainly smooth surfaces & fire roads in the forest with a little off-roading.
Skills and safari tour £32pp.
This is the most popular tour it involves the adventure tour but continues down onto to more trails into the forest with mud ruts then onto a skills area for a bit of real Segway fun with the time trial track at the end to show off your segway Skills.
Perfect for friends and family 90min
Please check out the website for more details.
Other Information
Gift vouchers are available
For the awesome present, you can find Gift Vouchers on the website HERE
The only gift voucher is valid over 2 experience sites in Devon so you can have the best of both in your area.