Discover the hidden world of Baddlesley Clinton Manor House Dating back to the 15th century and home to the wealthy Ferrers family for 500 years, Baddesley Clinton Manor House in Lapworth, just south of Birmingham, is a moaty mediaeval house with furnishings representing the Elizabethan era.
Where is Baddesley Clinton located?
The history to this house is fascinating – it was a refuge for persecuted Catholics and it has no less than three priest's holes to discover – and an amble around the rooms enlightens visitors on how the Ferrers family lived in isolated but splendid conditions surrounded by stunning gardens and a romantic lake. Outside, there is a lovely countryside walk from Baddesley Clinton passing Packwood House. For families, there are also trails and outdoor activities throughout the year.
What is the history of Baddesley Clinton to the present day?
The background of this building is interesting–it has been a haven for oppressed Catholics and there are no fewer than three holes to be found by priests–and an amble around the rooms illuminates visitors about how the Ferrers family lived in remote but beautiful conditions surrounded by spectacular gardens and a romantic lake. Outside there is a lovely country walk from Baddesley Clinton via Packwood House
What is there to see and do at Baddesley Clinton?
Explore a secluded, private estate set in the center of the Arden Forest with 500 years of interesting and surprising storeys Baddesley Clinton has been home to 500 years of the Ferrers family. Much of the building you see now was built in the late 1500s by Henry Ferrers, a lawyer, diarist and antiquarian. The home was a refuge not just for the Ferrers family but also for oppressed Catholics concealed in its secret hiding places during the 1590s from priest hunters.